Succulents and cactus
Spring has arrived. With all of the rain and different temperatures here in Pittsburgh, it starts me thinking about planting. I always like planting succulents and cactuses, but I’m never sure how to take care of them. The past two summers, I bought some and left them outside. I left them out in the rain as well as the dry months of summer. They flourished beautifully, then I brought them in, and they didn’t do as well. My problem is not over watering, but, I think, the opposite. This past year, I put them in my office, and they got a lot of sunlight, and did much better than any other year. They still died, but it took a lot longer, (maybe I’m on to something.) Anyway, back to trying it again. I’m going to follow the tips I saw on Google, and only water them when the soil is very dry, keep them in the sun, and away from high temperatures. I love to keep trying to grow these beautiful plants, and I think this year will be the year. Here’s to succulents.